1·Before starting knockd, close port 22960 and try to log in remotely.
2·In this case, because you just wanted to open or close port 22960, a single command sufficed.
3·The last scheme for adding security to your machine is the boldest one. You will close the open port making your machine virtually impregnable to any attack.
4·Otherwise, the port will close again.
5·For wireless data, an ir port was to be built-in, allowing owners of the devices to share data in close proximity to one another through 'beaming' their information between devices.
6·Eventually, your senses overloaded, you feel the train slow as you close on your destination, the port of Prince Rupert, a looming silhouette of cranes tacked with red lights.
7·If the user who provided the knock sequence doesn't act quickly (logging in, for example), the port will close again.
8·The port of Sirte, close to the colonel’s home town, was said to be in the hands of his foes.
9·While that little port isn't a big problem for most visual jobs, it's a hassle for parallel computing that works the CPU, GPU, and memory all in close association.
10·For that and other reasons, Kenya, for its part, wants to build a new deep-sea port near the island of Lamu, close to the border with Somalia.